10 Reasons Why We Won’t Work With You

At BlakSheep Creative, we only work with businesses that we believe in. If we see any of these red flags, we'll likely tell you that it's not a good fit.
10 reasons we wont work with you
Table of Contents

At BlakSheep Creative, we pride ourselves on helping small businesses grow their business online. We’re veteran-owned and operated, and we have a team of highly skilled digital marketing professionals who are ready to help you take your business to the next level.

However, there are some red flags that we look for when vetting a potential client, and if we see any of these, we’ll likely tell you that it’s not a good fit. So, without further ado, here are ten reasons why we won’t work with you.

1. You’re not ready to invest in your online presence.

Growing a business takes time, energy, and, most importantly, money. If you’re unwilling to invest in your online presence, you’re not ready to grow your business. This is where our ethos of no-haggle pricing comes into play. It’s not just about setting a price; it’s about setting a standard and a commitment to excellence. We firmly believe that quality, just like success, is not up for negotiation.

At BlakSheep Creative, we only collaborate with clients who are serious about scaling their business heights and are prepared to invest in their online presence. Our no-haggle policy reflects our dedication to providing value that exceeds the cost. It’s a testament to our confidence in our services and the results we deliver. If you’re ready to make a real investment in your business’s online success, explore our philosophy in more detail in “Why We Won’t Haggle Over Pricing.”

By partnering with us, you’re not just paying for digital marketing services; you’re investing in a partnership that is deeply committed to your brand’s success. Let’s work together to build a digital presence that mirrors the ambition and potential of your business.

Here are some reasons why you should invest in your online presence:

Your online presence is an investment, not a cost. 

When you hear the word “investment,” you probably think of something that costs a lot of money upfront with the hope of making money down the road. 

And while that’s true, investments can also be things that don’t cost a lot of money but still have the potential to make you money down the road. 

Your online presence is one of those things. It might cost a bit of money to start, but it will pay off in the long run if you do it right.

Your online presence is an extension of your brand. 

Your brand is what sets you apart from your competitors and makes you recognizable to your target audience. Therefore, ensuring that your online presence is an extension of your brand is essential. This means having a consistent look and feel across all of your channels (website, social media, etc.) and ensuring that the content you’re putting out there is on-brand and aligned with your core values. 

Your online presence is how you reach new customers. 

If you’re not investing in your online presence, you’re missing out on a huge opportunity to reach new customers who might not otherwise know about your business. 

In today’s day and age, people are doing more and more of their shopping online, which means they’re using the internet to research potential purchases before they buy anything. If they can’t find you online, they’re likely to go with one of your competitors, who has a robust online presence. 

Investing in your online presence is one of the best investments you can make for your business. It’s an investment that will pay off in spades by helping you reach new customers, extend your brand, and grow your business as a whole. 

And now on to reason number two why we might not work with you…

2. You’re not willing to give us creative freedom.

We’re a boutique agency, which means that we only take on a limited number of clients so that we can give each one the individualized attention they deserve. Part of that individualized attention is giving our team the creative freedom to do what they do best. We’re not the right agency for you if you’re not willing to provide us with that freedom.

When you’re entrusting your marketing to someone else, it’s only natural to want to have a say in how it’s done. After all, it’s your business and your brand on the line. However, when you hire a boutique agency like ours, you need to be willing to give us the creative freedom to do our job. Here’s why that’s important:

We’re experts in our field. 

You wouldn’t hire a plumber and then tell them how to do their job, would you? The same principle applies to marketing. 

We went into business because we’re passionate about marketing and have the skills and experience to support our claims. When you try to micro-manage us, you’re not only wasting our time but also not getting the best possible results for your business. 

We have fresh ideas. 

Getting stuck in a rut is easy if you’ve been in business for a while. You know what works for you, so you repeatedly do the same things. 

But what worked ten years ago might not work today. That’s where we come in. 

Our team is always coming up with new, innovative ideas to help take your business to the next level. But we can’t do that if you’re constantly second-guessing our every move. 

It’s your money. 

At the end of the day, you’re paying us for our services, so you should get what you pay for. If you don’t like the direction we’re going in or if you have concerns about our strategy, by all means, voice those concerns. But ultimately, you need to trust that we know what we’re doing and that we have your best interests at heart. 

Giving your marketing agency creative freedom may seem scary, but it’s the best way to get the most bang for your buck. When you hire us, you’re hiring a team of experts who are passionate about marketing and who will stop at nothing to help grow your business. So sit back, relax, and let us do what we do best!

3. You’re not open to new ideas.

If you’re not open to new ideas, chances are you won’t be happy with our work. 

We like to push the envelope and try new things, and we expect our clients to be open to that as well. If you’re set in your ways and refuse to consider new ideas, then we’re not the right agency for you.

At our agency, we pride ourselves on being open to new ideas. We believe that to create the best work possible, we need to push the envelope and try new things constantly. 

That’s why we only work with clients who are open to new ideas. If you’re set in your ways and refuse to consider new approaches, then we’re not the right agency for you. 

Here’s why being open to new ideas is so important for businesses:

It allows you to stay ahead of the competition. 

In today’s business world, staying ahead of the competition is more important than ever. One way to do that is by constantly coming up with new ideas and implementing them before your competitors have a chance to catch up. If you’re not open to new ideas, you’ll never be able to stay ahead of the curve. 

It helps you appeal to a broader audience. 

When you’re open to new ideas, you’re more likely to appeal to a broader range of customers and clients. People like innovative and progressive businesses, so if you’re stuck in your ways, you could be turning potential customers away without even realizing it. 

It keeps things interesting for both you and your target audience.

Running a business can be a lot of work, and getting bogged down in the day-to-day grind can be easy.  But if you’re constantly trying new things and coming up with fresh ideas, you’ll keep things interesting for yourself and your target audience. And that will make it easier to maintain a successful business in the long run.

So, how does this relate to digital marketing?

Digital marketing is constantly changing. What worked yesterday might not work today, and what works today might not work tomorrow. 

That’s why it’s so important to have a digital marketing agency open to new ideas and willing to experiment. 

Otherwise, you’ll never be able to keep up with the competition or reach your target audience.

We’re not the right agency for you if you’re not open to new ideas. 

We believe that for businesses to succeed, they need to innovate and try new things constantly. It’s what helps them stay ahead of the competition, appeal to a broader audience, and keep everyone motivated and excited about what they’re doing. 

So if you’re ready to embrace change and try something new, give us a call—we’d love to chat with you about how we can help take your business to the next level.

4. You don’t value our expertise.

When you hire a digital marketing agency, you hire a team of experts. Our team has a wealth of knowledge and experience in all things digital marketing, and we only work with clients who value our expertise. 

If you try to micromanage our team or act like you know more than us, then we’re not the right agency for you. Here’s why.

We Have the Expertise. You Don’t

  • Our team has years of experience in digital marketing. 
  • We know what works and what doesn’t. 
  • We’ve made mistakes, and we’ve learned from them. 
  • We know the ins and outs of the ever-changing digital marketing landscape and always keep up with the latest trends

When you hire us, you’re hiring a team of experts who can help your business succeed online. 

Micromanaging is a Waste of Time

If you try to micromanage our team, you’ll waste your time and ours. Our team is highly skilled and capable of doing our job without your interference. Trust us to do what we do best, and we’ll deliver results that exceed your expectations. 

It’s Your Money, But Our Reputation on the Line

When you hire us, you’re entrusting us with your hard-earned money. We take that trust seriously and only want to work with clients who feel the same way. If you don’t value our expertise, we don’t want to work with you because it’s our reputation on the line—not just yours. 

If you want to work with a digital marketing agency that will deliver results, then you need to be willing to trust our team’s expertise. 

Micromanaging our team is a waste of time, showing that you don’t trust us to do our job. It’s your money, but it’s our reputation on the line—so we only want to work with clients who value our expertise.

5. You have unrealistic expectations.

We always aim to exceed our clients’ expectations, but if your expectations are unrealistic, then chances are you’ll be disappointed with our work. 

For some reason, small business owners want what they want when they want it, and they’re not always willing to wait for results. If that sounds like you, then we’re not the right agency for you. Here’s why.

Digital Marketing Takes Time

If you want results overnight, then digital marketing isn’t for you. It takes time to see results from your digital marketing efforts, and if you’re not willing to wait, you’ll be disappointed.

You Need to Invest in Your Digital Marketing

We discussed it earlier, but it bears repeating.  

You won’t see results if you’re unwilling to invest in digital marketing. 

A successful digital marketing campaign requires a budget for paid ads, content creation, graphic design, and more. You will only see results if you’re willing to invest in your digital marketing.

Your Competition is Investing in Digital Marketing

If you’re not willing to invest in digital marketing, then your competition is, and they’re reaping the benefits. 

A successful digital marketing campaign can help you attract new customers, grow your business, and stay ahead of the competition. If you’re unwilling to invest, we promise your competition is.

You Won’t Reach #1 on Google Overnight.

Contrary to what snake-charmer SEO companies will tell you, you won’t reach number one on Google overnight. It takes time, effort, and a lot of patience to rank high on search engines. You’ll be disappointed if you’re not willing to wait for results.

We always aim to exceed our clients’ expectations, but if your expectations are unrealistic, you’ll be disappointed with our work. Digital marketing takes time, and you need to invest in your digital marketing efforts to see results. If you’re not willing to wait or invest in your digital marketing, then your competition will, and you’ll be left behind.

6. You’re challenging to communicate with.

Communication is critical in any relationship, but it’s especially important when working with an agency. If you’re difficult to communicate with or if you refuse to respond to our calls or emails, then it will be tough for us to do our job effectively—and that’s why we won’t work with you.

There are a few key things that you can do to ensure that communication stays strong: 

Be responsive.

If we call or email you, please get back to us as soon as possible. We understand you’re busy, but if you keep us waiting for days or weeks at a time, it makes it very difficult for us to do our job correctly. 

Be clear.

When you get in touch with us, please ensure you’re clear about what you need from us. The more specific you are, the better we’ll be able to meet your needs. 

Be open.

We want to hear your ideas and thoughts about the project, so please don’t hesitate to share them. However, please also be open to hearing ours. We’re the experts, after all! 

Good communication is essential for any successful relationship between a client and an agency. If you’re difficult to communicate with or if you refuse to respond to our calls or emails, then it will be tough for us to do our job effectively—and that’s why we won’t work with you.

7 . You’re constantly changing your mind.

As a business owner, you know that things change and people’s needs evolve. 

But what you may not realize is that if you’re constantly changing your mind about what you want or need from your digital marketing agency, it can make it very difficult for them to do their job effectively—and ultimately, that’s why they won’t work with you.

Here are seven reasons why constantly changing your mind is a recipe for disaster when it comes to your digital marketing efforts:

You’ll never get the results you want. 

If you’re constantly changing your mind about what you want, chances are you’ll never actually get the results you’re looking for.  That’s because it takes time to plan and execute a digital marketing strategy, and if you’re constantly changing your mind, the strategy will never have a chance to be executed properly. 

You’ll waste a lot of time and money. 

Every time you change your mind, it takes time and money to implement those changes—time that could be spent on more productive tasks and money that could be used more wisely elsewhere in your business. If you’re constantly changing your mind, you’ll quickly find yourself wasting both time and money with no real ROI to show for it.

You’ll create chaos and confusion. 

Constantly changing your mind creates chaos and confusion for your digital marketing agency and everyone in your company who is involved in the decision-making process. 

It’s essential to have a clear vision for what you want so that everyone is on the same page and working towards the same goal. Otherwise, you’ll just end up with a big mess on your hands.

You’ll erode trust and goodwill. 

If you’re constantly changing your mind, it sends the message that you don’t trust your digital marketing agency to do their job—and eventually, they won’t trust you either. 

What’s more, it shows that you don’t value their expertise or opinion, which will quickly erode any goodwill that exists between you. Eventually, this lack of trust and goodwill will lead to the demise of your relationship altogether.

You’ll become a high-maintenance client. 

Clients who are constantly changing their minds are generally considered to be high-maintenance—and no one wants to work with a high-maintenance client.

It is a pain to deal with constant changes and takes up a lot of time and resources that could be spent on more productive tasks. As a result, your digital marketing agency will likely view you as more trouble than you’re worth and will eventually decide to part ways.

You’ll miss out on opportunities. 

You’ll miss opportunities to capitalize on new ideas or trends if you’re constantly changing your mind. That’s because your digital marketing agency will be too busy trying to keep up with your changes to focus on anything else. As a result, you’ll fall behind the competition and miss out on valuable opportunities to grow your business.

You’ll never be happy. 

If you’re constantly changing your mind, chances are you’ll never be pleased with the results of your digital marketing efforts. That’s because you’ll continuously be second-guessing your decisions and looking for something better. Ultimately, this will only lead to frustration and dissatisfaction—two things that are sure to sabotage your success.

So if you’re constantly changing your mind about your digital marketing, it’s time to stop and consider the consequences. Otherwise, you’ll find yourself wasting time, money, and opportunities—and you’ll never be pleased with the results.

8 . You don’t respect our time.

We respect your time, and we expect you also to respect ours. If you cancel or reschedule appointments at the last minute or don’t show up for scheduled calls, it tells us that you don’t respect our time —and we won’t work with someone who doesn’t respect our time. 

The average salary for a digital marketer is $60,363 per year in the United States, which means that our time is valuable. If you don’t respect our time, you’re telling us our time isn’t worth as much as yours. And if you don’t think our time is worth as much as yours, we won’t want to work with you.

9 . You try to lowball us on price. 

We understand that everyone has a budget, but if you try to lowball us on price, it tells us two things:

You don’t value our services

You get what you pay for.  And that is especially true for the digital marketing services we provide. 

We are experts in our field and charge what we feel our services are worth. 

If you try to lowball us on price, it tells us that you don’t value our services—and that’s not the kind of relationship we’re looking for. And we’re not alone:

You don’t understand the value of digital marketing.

Digital marketing is essential to any business and can be a powerful tool for driving growth. But it’s not cheap—and it shouldn’t be. If you try to lowball us on price, it tells us that you don’t understand the value of digital marketing—and that’s not the kind of relationship we’re looking for.

Now for a little metaphor.  If you own a fencing company and someone comes to you and asks for a quote on a new fence, you’re not going to give them your best price. Instead, you’re going to give them a quote that reflects the value of your services. 

Now back to where we left off…

We charge what we feel our services are worth—and if you try to lowball us on price, it tells us that you don’t understand the value of our services.

And our prices are competitive (if not cheaper than most agencies) because we’re a small, boutique agency. We don’t have the overhead costs of a big agency, which means we can pass those savings on to you.

So if you’re looking for rock-bottom prices, we’re not the agency for you. But we’re definitely the agency for you if you’re looking for quality services at a fair price.

10 . You’re not ready to commit.

Digital marketing takes time, effort, and commitment to be successful. If you’re not ready to commit to that, then we’re not the agency for you.

We’ve worked with clients who have come to us and said, “I want to try this for a month and see how it goes.” And our answer is always the same: “Sorry, but we don’t work with clients who are just trying things out. We work with clients who are committed to seeing results.”

And we’re not the only ones who feel this way. In fact, most digital marketing agencies have a similar policy. 

That’s because they know (as we do) that digital marketing is not a one-time thing. It’s an ongoing process that takes time, effort, and commitment to be successful.

So if you’re not ready to commit to that, then we’re not the agency for you.

Phew!  That was a mouthful.  If you’re still with us, then congratulations—you’re officially ready to start working with a digital marketing agency!

Just remember: when you’re ready to take the plunge, make sure you choose an agency that you can trust, has your best interests at heart and is committed to helping you reach your goals.

Thanks for reading—and we hope to hear from you soon!

If you’re looking for a digital marketing agency in the Baton Rouge area that fits the bill, we’d love to chat with you. Fill out the form below to schedule a free consultation.

Clint Sanchez

Clint Sanchez

Clint Sanchez excels as the Chief of Information and Technology at the Baton Rouge Fire Department and as a digital marketer at BlakSheep Creative. With over two decades in public service, he expertly manages technological infrastructures while also applying his creative skills in web, graphic design, and video at BlakSheep. His dual role demonstrates a unique blend of technical acumen and creative innovation.
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