The AIDA Framework is a marketing technique that can be used to improve conversion rates.
This framework has been around for over 100 years, and it’s still being used today by many companies. It was initially developed to sell mail-order catalogs, but it’s now commonly applied to digital marketing campaigns.
In this blog post, I’ll go through how you can use the AIDA framework in your own content and what each step entails so that you can create higher conversion rates on your website.
Keep reading to learn more about the AIDA framework and how you can apply it to your own content.
Be sure to check out our articles on these other copywriting formulas:
The history of the AIDA Formula and how it came about?
The AIDA Formula was created in 1898 by an advertising executive called E. St. Elmo Lewis (1874-1949). He worked for a printing firm where he noticed that their publications had extremely low sales conversion rates.
Then, one day, Lewis bought a magazine at a newsstand and was inspired when he saw how the magazine used a simple table of contents on the cover.
Lewis worked for the ad agency tasked with creating a booklet that would be sent to subscribers every month.

Lewis decided to use this idea of using a table of contents as he believed it would help customers identify exactly what they wanted from the booklet and make it easier for them to find it.
Lewis decided that his advertising agency would use a similar idea to that which he saw in the magazine to increase the sales of their mail-order booklets.
Instead of using a simple table of contents, Lewis created what we now know as the AIDA framework.
This was designed to help customers become aware of the issue of the booklet, get their attention through benefits, and then want to take action.
This simple framework was incredibly successful for Lewis’ agency in increasing sales, which is why it remains such a popular model today.
AIDA – Attention Interest Desire Action
The AIDA Framework is made up of 4 different steps that help you increase conversion rates on your website. These steps are:
This is basically where you get your customer’s attention. You want to grab them with something interesting and unique that will make them at least pause what they’re doing for a few moments while they see what you have to offer.
Once you’ve got their attention, the next step is to keep it. The best way to do this is to show them what they’re missing out on if they don’t take action and convert.
Once you’ve got their attention and interest, the final step is to create desire in your customers. To do this, you need to tell them what they will get if they take action – e.g., “I can show you how to make $100 per day on autopilot” – and show them why it’s such a good deal. Desire is about making customers feel that they have to take action right away.
This is the final step of the AIDA Framework, and it’s when your prospects take action. It could be clicking a button to purchase something from your website or signing up to receive more information on whatever offer you’re currently promoting.
Although not historically part of the AIDA formula, The additional “R” is sometimes added by some Marketers to show the importance of ongoing relationship-building. This results in an AIDAR model, which we’ll discuss at a later time.
Learn how you can apply the AIDA Framework to your own content in the sections below!
Why is the AIDA Framework necessary for your online content?
The AIDA model is a way to show how people buy things. It shows that they go back and forth before they make a final decision.
It is no longer just a relationship between the buyer and the company since social media has extended it. It’s now possible to achieve different goals of AIDA with information from other customers who are using social networks. With that in mind, you can imagine how vital AIDA is to monitor and understand your customers’ behavior.
The purpose of AIDA is to help you understand all of this to increase your sales.
AIDA helps marketers, businesses, and their teams create better relationships with customers. It’s also helpful in increasing conversions on websites or in stores because people tend to have the same buying behavior no matter where they are.
Here is an example of the AIDA framework in action on one of our client’s websites.

This framework has many applications, from advertising to social media. Now we’re going to give you tips about using the AIDA Framework for your own effective copywriting.
#1: Choose Your Audience Carefully
Your audience is one of the most critical factors in creating AIDA content. If your message isn’t appealing to them, they won’t click or won’t convert.
Think about what you’re offering and how it can help them solve their problems.
Figure out who would be interested in your product or service, the most relevant topics for this group of people, and don’t forget to check what they like online. You must also pay attention to the way you communicate with them because that’s also important.
Learn more about the importance of searcher intent in our recent article.
#2: Use a Call to Action
AIDA works best when it has a call to action. It’s what you want the customer to do to move on with your sales process and convert that contact into a paying customer or client.
Creating effective calls-to-action is one of the most challenging and essential tasks when making any kind of sales funnel.
You can create a call to action in many different ways, including:
A great way to decide what type of CTA you should use is by analyzing your customer’s behavior or needs. However, test the methods that seem best for increasing conversions until you find what works best for your business or campaign.
#3: Target Your Audience
AIDA works only when targeting the right people and delivering a message that is appealing to them. Let’s not forget about what we already mentioned above: they must have the relevant problems, be interested in your product or service and appreciate how you communicate with them.
If you can’t do this, you’re wasting your time and money in the wrong places, and you might even lose customers that could have been very loyal to your business!
#4: Make Them Feel Emotionally Connected
To make AIDA work for your purposes, people must become emotionally connected to your business.
When there’s a solid emotional connection, they’re more likely to buy your product or service because they feel like the offer is relevant for them and can help them solve the problem they have in mind.
#5: Use Visual Aids
The next step of the process can also increase engagement and conversions, but it’s also helpful to give your customers a good understanding of who you are and what you’re doing. That way, they can be more involved in the sales process, and they’ll believe that you can help them solve their problems.
Creating visual content is also beneficial for other parts of your business, such as social media or advertising campaigns.
#6: Use Social Media
Social media is an excellent tool for AIDA because it allows for fast communication and immediate feedback from your customers. As you know by now, online platforms like Facebook and Twitter can also be used to create visual content that’s easy to share and increase conversions.
#7: Engage in Real-Time Talks
To convert your audience into customers, you have to create a human connection with them. The best way to get that is by talking with them in real-time and being genuine about what you’re doing and why.
This can be done through live chats or video calls, but there are other ways like webinars which are particularly useful for educating and converting your prospects.
#8: Pay Attention to What Your Audience Wants
When creating AIDA content, you must pay attention to what your audience wants. If you ignore the problems they’re facing, or if you don’t show them why your solution can help them solve their problem in a better way, you’re wasting time and money.
As we mentioned above, creating great visual content will also help in this process because it can be shared easily on social media.
#9: Tell a Story
When using AIDA for your business purposes, don’t forget to use storytelling to your advantage. This is especially important if you’re selling your products or services to customers who are not the ones needing those but still want them.
Storytelling can be used as a way to convince them that they also need to buy what you’re offering.
#10: Don’t Forget Compelling Headlines
One of the most critical steps when creating any content is a good headline, whether it’s for on or offline. This is because the headline will determine if people will continue reading and take notice of what you’re offering.
#11: Pay Attention to Copywriting
When using the AIDA framework, you have to pay attention to how you write your content. It should grab your audience’s attention right from the beginning and have them continue reading until they’re ready to take the desired action. Otherwise, you’ll end up wasting time and money.
#12: Distill the Sales Message
When writing AIDA content, it’s important to distill down the sales message in a way that showcases your value and why people should buy from you.
#13: Create a Compelling Offer
When writing the actual copy of AIDA content, it’s crucial to create a life-changing offer that people can get if they buy from you. This is especially true if you’re selling high-ticket items or services. You need to be creative and create some sort of offer they can’t refuse.
#14: Make It Personal
As we mentioned above, you should use stories because people like to identify with them. Nobody wants to see dry facts on a page or screen, but most people want a story to make them feel something while reading it.
#15: Create a Sense of Urgency
If you’re selling a product or service that can be purchased anywhere, you have to create a sense of urgency. This is because people will buy only if they feel like they need something right away. So, show them why they should purchase from your business and not wait for the next opportunity.
#16: Use the AIDA Framework to Your Advantage While Marketing and Advertising
When it comes to marketing and advertising, there are two different ways that you can use the AIDA framework. The first is using digital media such as blogging or other platforms that allow for shared content. The second way is developing content for print and sharing it with your audience through the mail.
#17: Utilize Print Media to Your Advantage
This method of AIDA works best if you’re targeting prospects that are not familiar with digital media but instead read newspapers or magazines regularly. This can be used to create content and advertise your business while also introducing it to new audiences.
You can even use this type of AIDA as a way to win over loyal customers who are already familiar with your brand by sending them monthly newsletters and updates on what’s happening in the world of your business.
#18: Create Packaging for Your Products
Another way of using the AIDA framework is to create packaging for your products. This method is used most often by big brand businesses like Coca-Cola and McDonald’s because their products are well-known by customers who don’t need much convincing to buy them. However, these companies still use it to improve their sales numbers every year.
This can be done by improving the packaging and adding more things to it, and implementing new features that will help customers use their products better.
#19: Make Your Webinars Relevant
When you have a webinar scheduled for your business, make sure that you include AIDA elements in the presentation itself. You can do this by creating a good piece of content that will help people who are unfamiliar with your business understand what it is and why they should care about it.
This is also a great way to establish an emotional connection with potential customers, which will make them want to buy whatever you’re offering.
#20: Create a Video that Demonstrates the Benefits of Your Product or Service
When you create video content for your business, make sure it will help your audience understand why they need to buy from you. This is especially important if your product or service isn’t something that everyone needs, like a pair of headphones or a new security camera.
The video can either be a serious one where you talk about the benefits of your product, or it can even be fun and humorous.
#21: Know How to Get Your Audience’s Attention with an Impactful Headline
One thing that will help you get more leads is using compelling headlines that show people what they stand to gain by clicking on your link.
A good headline will help you get the attention of people who haven’t even seen your content before, which is essential because if they don’t click, then you’ll lose them forever.
#22: Use Powerful Images in Your Marketing Materials and Ads
Another way you can use images to grab people’s attention is by using images that have already impacted them. If you’re promoting a product or service, try to include a picture of it in your marketing materials and ads. If you’re trying to attract customers via digital media, post the most attractive photos of your business and its staff members so they’ll want to learn more about what’s happening.
#23: Use the Help of a Copywriter to Create Content That Packs a Punch!
One thing we’ve learned about great content is that there are many elements to it, but when you focus on developing something that will grab your audience’s attention and keep them reading until the very end, then you have a winner.
Having a professional copywriter on your side means that you can create compelling content for your business. If you don’t have one, then contact us today, and we’ll be happy to give you the help you need!
#24: Make Your Landing Pages More Compelling by Using AIDA Elements
Landing pages are meant to capture people’s attention and get them to take action. When you use an AIDA element on each page of your website, your conversions will increase by more than 50 percent.
Of course, this is only true when the landing page has good content, which is why you should make sure that it does before releasing it to the public, or else you’ll lose many potential leads.
#25: Use AIDA Elements as Part of Your Outbound Marketing Campaigns
One of the most effective ways to get people interested in your business is by using an outbound marketing campaign. An AIDA element can be a great way to provide valuable information about your service or product while also telling them what you’re trying to offer and giving them a reason to respond.
#26: Use AIDA Elements on Your Content to Boost Conversions
The truth is that when you combine content with compelling headlines and images, then you have the recipe for success.
Good content will help convince people to convert, while a good headline or image will make sure that they see the content in the first place. Whichever way you choose to do it, just know that if you use AIDA elements on your content, you’ll have a much better chance of getting conversions.
#27: Use an AIDA Element in Your Subject Line of Your Email Campaigns
The one thing that’s more important than anything else regarding email marketing is the subject line. If people don’t see that your subject line is intriguing, then they won’t open the message.
To make sure that this never happens, create a subject line using an AIDA element. It should clearly tell recipients what the email contains, and it should provide a good reason for them to open up the letter.
#28: Use AIDA on Posts to Boost Twitter Followers
If you’re trying to use Twitter as a marketing tool, you need to pay attention to AIDA. You should use an image or picture that will get people interested in your post. You also want to make sure that the post contains valuable content and a good headline that will make them open it. If you do this, you’ll get more clicks on the link and more followers!
#29: Describe Your Services with an AIDA Element
If you’re trying to sell a service, you need to make sure that your message is clear. That means that you want people to understand what they get when they purchase the service and how it works in their specific situation. Using an AIDA element on your website or marketing materials can help you accomplish this goal.
#30: Use AIDA To Boost Your Forms and Landing Pages
Landing pages and forms are two of the most heavily scrutinized things on the Internet, which is why you need to make sure that they’re perfect.
Using an AIDA element can be a great way to attract visitors’ attention by using an eye-catching image or headline. It can also give you a better chance of getting people to complete the form by providing them with some value. The more they get out of your page, the more likely they’ll be to sign up!
#31: Turn Your Email Signature into an AIDA Element to Boost Your Conversion Rates
Your email signature is one of the most overlooked marketing opportunities on the Internet, but that doesn’t mean it’s unimportant. Getting traffic from this source can be very profitable if you do it right. The way to do it right is to create a greeting in your email signature that’s compelling and gets people interested.
You also want to make sure that the rest of the message on your signature provides value and includes links! Using this information, you can be sure that it contains an AIDA element every time you send out an email.
How to use the AIDA framework for copywriting in your blog posts.
Telling a good story is the key to a good blog post. If you want people to read your posts, you must use storytelling techniques like conflict resolution and surprising twists.
This will keep readers entertained throughout, and it will help them think of your blogs as storytelling devices rather than pieces of literature. As such, the tactics here apply to more than just copywriting!
When deciding on the headline and sub-headline for a blog post, you’ll want to use the AIDA framework. This stands for:
Attention: Where do you want your reader’s attention? What are you trying to get them to notice in your title? Are there any particular attention-grabbing features of the content?
Using this in your title will let you hook the reader and help them see what they’ll get out of reading your blog post (before they even click through!). This effect can also be achieved by using a question mark at the end of a headline.
Interest: What is exciting or intriguing to your readers about this post? Why do they need to learn what you have to say about it?
From a funny anecdote regarding your subject matter to an analogy that helps the reader understand something, this can be almost anything. Whatever it is, let them know!
Desire: What does the reader want now that they’ve clicked through? This can either be a call to action or the payoff for reading.
Action: What do you want your readers to do once they’ve been hooked? This may be an email address, a share button, or even just more pageviews!
Whatever it is, make sure you let them know what it is early on. This will let you isolate your audience to only those who are interested in the end result and allow you to tailor the rest of your blog post to appeal specifically toward that result.
The AIDA framework is beneficial for sales copywriting as well! It’s a lot easier writing headlines using this model than just coming up with something on the spot, and it’s guaranteed to help you sell more of whatever product or service you’re writing about!
Here is an example of the AIDA framework in a blog post. Some background: This blog post for Look at Me 4D Imaging is about common gender reveal mistakes that people avoid. Since Look at Me offers a “sneak peek clinical,” where parents-to-be can find out their baby’s gender, they are directed towards their product.

Why is using the AIDA framework necessary for conversion rates on your website?
It’s important to remember that using the AIDA framework is not only a method for getting your audience to take action. It also allows you to optimize your website by picking out the most critical elements of your copy and making sure that everything ties together.
You don’t want distracting images and text or things that can be missed so easily!
Using this in your own website is also a great way to make sure that everything works together!
You’ll notice that it’s very easy to use the same words in different sections of your site, for example.
This lets you eliminate words from one part of the page to be used elsewhere or in another section.
With so many different parts, a website can be hard to write – but using the AIDA framework will help make sure that all of them are properly connected!
Background psychology
Readers respond favorably to words like “new,” “easy,” and “free.” Use these power words when speaking about your product or service.
Words and phrases that connect with feelings and emotions have great power. Use them to your advantage when writing about the product or service you are presenting.
Reviews from other people help increase sales and conversions. Consider asking current customers for testimonials of your product or service, which can be used in your copywriting as well.
The words that get readers’ attention will vary from product to product. Some products may require more emotional words, while others will need high-impact words that focus on the tangible value of a product or service.
Everyone’s perception of color varies, and colors carry different meanings for people based on their cultural background. Use these tips when you write your copy but keep in mind that even if some use the same word to describe a color, they do not mean it in the same way.
When you write your copy, think about how readers will perceive it on their screen. It might be beneficial for you to break up the text with subheadings and even include an introduction and conclusion if it is going to be a long post. Make things easy for your readers.
As you write your copy, think about including a call to action! Here is an example of a call to action: “Claim our 3-day free trial now!”
Checkout Process
During the checkout process, you need to be sure that all the information required from the buyer is gathered. Even though you may have covered this information in your copy, it is vital to assume that you will lose visitors during the process.
Text Decoration
Use all of your resources when writing for the web! When writing emails or long copy on your website, make sure you allow images and bolding/italicizing/underlining to help emphasize those words. Please do not neglect this powerful tool because it can make a massive difference in the perceived value of your product or service.
Use questions to drive action! Questions provide you with an opportunity to offer even more information about your product or service and allow you another chance to prompt your visitors for action (for example, providing them with the phone number where they can call to get more information).
Symbols can elicit a lot of emotions – use them when you are writing. Not only will they help you get your point across, but they can also be used in ways that might not initially seem obvious. One example is the exclamation mark which is often seen as impulsive and unprofessional. The key here is to use it sparingly and with purpose.
Explain to your reader the benefit they will get from what you are selling can go a long way in helping them make their decision to buy. Different people look for different things, so ensure that you let your readers know how your products or services will help them.
Use the AIDA copywriting formula in your emails too!
And it all starts with your email subject line. Your subject lines should be short and to the point. It needs to grab the reader’s attention to get them to open your message. If you do not have anything that will pique their interest, they may just delete it without opening it.

When writing your email, make sure it is clear, concise, and written for the audience you are trying to reach. Avoid using convoluted words, or this will confuse your reader, and they may think you are trying to pull a fast one on them.
When writing an email, make sure that you make it easy for the reader to find the information they need. Mention something along the lines of “you will find the steps needed to claim your free trial here” or “the number to call if you have any further questions is _____.”
In the first paragraph, be sure to introduce yourself and give a little background information. Tell your readers what you are trying to accomplish with them.
Be sure to tell them why they should take action right away! This is the most critical part of your email, so make sure it carries some weight and tells them exactly what they can expect from you. People want to know who they are dealing with so try to create a personal connection.
Don’t forget to end on a positive note, if possible. Give your reader one last nudge and thank them for their time, and hopefully, they will be back reading more of what you have to say.
Examples of Copywriting with the AIDA Formula
Here are a few examples of copywriting that would include the AIDA formula:
AIDA Formula as Applied to Copywriting
So you’ve just signed up for your free trial of our software application, and now it’s time to convert them into paying customers. Here are some things you can do with the AIDA framework to make that happen:
Start with Attention Grabber: If you want people to take action when they see your call-to-action, then give them an incentive to click by giving them an offer they simply cannot resist! Use something like “Claim your 3 Day Free Trial Now!” or “Limited Time Offer!” You could even say, “Get started today!” These attention grabbers get readers’ interest and encourage them to take action.
Explain your Solicitation: Once you have the reader’s attention, this is where you can explain why they should be excited about what you are offering (which is your main product or service). You may want to use bullet points to list all of the things that will come with using your product or service, such as “Unlimited Access” or “24/7 Support.” Tell them what it does and how it can help them. Make sure to keep it interesting!
Use a Promise: Now, once you’ve gotten their attention and explained how great your offer is for them, make sure you promise that there are no strings attached! Let them know that if they try out your offer, and don’t like what they see, then there is no problem. Don’t let them think that this offer is only good for a short time, or else it will not be enticing to them at all.
Ask the Reader: This is where you ask your prospects to do something for you, which in most cases would be to inform their email address so that they can get started using your product or service. You want to make sure you tell them precisely what they need and why they need it before asking them anything else because if you don’t, then they may just walk away! If you know that most of the people who will read your message probably already have an email address, simply tell them, “Type in your email here.”
End with Action: Make sure that you include a call-to-action at the end of your copywriting. This is where you tell them what they need to do next for them to get started with whatever it is that you are offering!
Copywriting AIDA Framework (Copy) in Action
The following example was taken directly from an advertisement on Craigslist, and it clearly shows how they applied the AIDA framework. The only difference is that they used certain elements that pertained specifically to this notice, such as their guarantees (“100% Money Back Guarantee!”).
Attention: “Do you want to make $200 per day, part-time? Earn an extra $1,000 this month, working only 1-2 hours a day from home. No experience or special skills required (and no selling involved). Simply follow the simple steps below.”
Interest: Learn how to earn an extra $1,000 each month with the help of a professional copywriter who will create a high converting advertisement for your business!
Desire: Not only will you learn more about how to increase conversions by 10%, but you will also be able to gain free access to information on what it takes to become a successful entrepreneur in today’s ever-changing job market.
Action: Please visit or call us at 1-800-777-6020 to learn how to help take your business to a new level!
Here’s another example of the AIDA formula used in an email:
Attention: “Meet the #1 Online Copywriting Training Certification on CB… $9.95 for today’s price! A CRAZY sale of 50% off offer!”
Interest: “First, discover how a plain-old copywriter went from getting zero results to being able to close clients like these….”
Desire: “… …and here’s what you will learn inside “The Ultimate Secrets to Becoming an Online Copywriting Genius”: You’ll get your hands on over 5 hours of online videos and 11 in-depth PDF courses (with no upsells) that walk you through every step ….”
Action: “… This secret alone just added at least $5 million dollars worth of sales to my career, and you can get it right now by visiting“
If you’re trying to sell a product or service, it’s essential that your copywriting is effective. The AIDA framework will help guide you through the process of creating an engaging sales message and increasing conversion rates for whatever goal you have in mind.
If all this sounds intimidating and if you want help enacting these principles, let us know! Our team of experts is ready and waiting to partner with you on crafting a stellar SEO or marketing plan that drives sales by considering how your customers think.
Our team here at BlakSheep Creative has the passion, experience, and know-how to make your business stand out. From developing and maintaining websites to social media marketing to content marketing to affordable small business SEO, we’ve got you covered!
If you’d like to see how hiring a professional copywriter could help you, complete the form below to sign up for a free trial of our copywriting services.
Contact us to learn more today.
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