What Is Ecommerce?

Learn what eCommerce is and how you can leverage an online store to make money from home without lifting a finger.
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So what exactly is ECommerce?

Basically, business transactions that take place on the internet are called e-commerce, short for “electronic commerce.” Whether selling services online, digital goods, or services, it’s becoming easy to set up an eCommerce store to make money online – from home.

Have you ever thought about your own online store selling products or services to people all over the country or even the whole world?

E-commerce can seem like a crowded market, but it’s still a growing field with an increasing share in global shopping every year.

So no worries.

It’s never too late to hop in. Starting your online business is actually much easier than going the old offline way. Remember that the Internet doesn’t limit you in terms of location. For example, let’s say you live in a wine-producing region and you want to sell your delicious wine.

Oh, and check out an eCommerce website we recently launched for Screaming Eagle Cigars.

Having your own e-commerce site is a game-changer!

Selling goods traditionally through a local store would be pretty challenging because of the tough regional competition. But having your own e-commerce site would be a game-changer enabling you to sell where ever you want. And that’s a huge difference! Suddenly your business has got many other advantages like

  • online marketing tools
  • social media
  • personalized deals and offers
  • never-ending open hours
  • discretion and privacy
  • a broader customer base, and much more.

However, no matter what you intend to sell, one thing is crucial here: the online store itself.

That’s Where We Come Into Play!

A successful online store has to be better than the competition. And the reason why we believe our stores are better is that all of them respect these seven key elements:

Seven key elements of a successful eCommerce website.

Every successful project needs to start with answering a few questions about the target group,. its specifics, and how to reach it.

  • Too many designers focus just on the home page. Yes, the home page is important, but most customers will directly enter a store through search engines for some of the products. That’s why our focus is also strongly oriented to Product Description pages, call-to-action buttons, and easy navigation through the site.
  • Content is king in the e-commerce business. This is true here more than anywhere else. However, you can only exploit the full potential of your site’s content if it’s properly search engine optimized. No problem there. Leave that magic to us.
  • Just one example to give you an idea: Give your customers the opportunity to share their purchases with friends on social networks and watch the number of sales and new customers grow.
  • The worst thing is when a customer searches for something you sell but can’t find. No worries. This will never happen in our stores since we’ve put a lot of attention to search engine functionality.
  • The number of goods sold through mobile devices is growing rapidly every year. So you bet our stores are mobile friendly.
  • It is one of our highest priorities to treat sensitive personal data the right way. Secure storage of such information is essential for your store’s trustworthiness.
  • Online business doesn’t have to be difficult. If you put it in the hands of professionals (obviously, by that, I mean our hands), making money from your eCommerce store can be a breeze. So take the first step to create your new online store and get in touch with us today.

So, you want to make money online?

BlakSheep Creative can handle that for you, allowing you to focus on business matters like making money. Contact us, and let’s get started on your ecommerce website.  You can also visit our eCommerce websites page to learn more.

Picture of Joshua Guilbeau

Joshua Guilbeau

Josh is an accomplished graphic designer and branding expert with over 10 years of experience. With a range of clients including non-profits, restaurants, colleges and universities, healthcare organizations as well as small business owners, he has created design solutions that are both aesthetically pleasing and have a functional purpose. Loving father to his wife and three kids who keep him on his toes in Baton Rouge where he enjoys spending time outdoors when the weather permits or kicking back with a good book.
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