How eCommerce Store Owners Can Prepare for Black Friday and Cyber Monday 2022

This Black Friday/Cyber Monday, many people will be cutting back on their spending due to tough economic times. Read this post to learn how eCommerce store owners can get their piece of the pie.
how ecommerce store owners can prepare for black friday cyber monday 2022
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The holidays are a time when people come together to celebrate, share traditions, and give thanks. It’s also a time when people do a lot of shopping. With the holiday season just around the corner, many people are cutting back on their spending due to tough economic times.

It is estimated that holiday gift spending will drop by $30 billion in the United States as 58% of consumers cut back on non-food items. The most significant cuts are expected to come in clothing and footwear, with 25% of people saying they will spend less in those areas.

So if you’re an eCommerce store owner, how can you ensure that you get your piece of the pie? Let’s look at some key findings from this year’s Black Friday and Cyber Monday and discuss what eCommerce website owners can do to prepare for this year.

Mobile Traffic:

mobile device traffic statistic black friday 2022
mobile device traffic statistic black friday 2022

Black Friday saw a significant increase in mobile traffic, with 74.17% of all online traffic coming from mobile devices. This indicates that retailers must ensure their mobile-friendly websites are optimized for easy shopping on small screens.

What does this mean for eCommerce store owners?

If your website is not mobile-friendly, you could miss out on many potential customers. Make sure your website is designed with mobile users in mind and that it’s easy to navigate and make purchases on a small screen.

Quick wins:

  • Use a responsive design so your website adapts to different screen sizes
  • Use large, easy-to-tap buttons for mobile users
  • Simplify your checkout process

Key takeaway:

Cart Abandonment:

2022 black friday abandoned cart statistic
2022 black friday abandoned cart statistic

A staggering 77.74% of customers who added items to their carts on Black Friday ended up abandoning them. This indicates that retailers must reduce cart abandonment rates and make the checkout process as quick and easy as possible. 

What does this mean for eCommerce store owners?

You can do several things to reduce cart abandonment.  The goal is to get your website’s visitors from the shopping cart to the checkout page as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Quick Wins:

  • Make it easy to find the shopping cart
  • Make sure the checkout process is simple and quick
  • Offer a variety of payment options
  • Include customer reviews
  • Allow guest checkout
  • Display shipping costs early on in the process
  • Offer free shipping

Key Takeaway:

If you want to reduce cart abandonment, make it easy to find the shopping cart, have a simple and quick checkout process, and offer free shipping. You can also include customer reviews, offer guest checkout, and display shipping costs early in the process.

Peak Times:

10am peak times for online sales and add to cart rates on Black Friday 1
10am peak times for online sales and add to cart rates on Black Friday 1

The peak times for online sales and add-to-cart rates on Black Friday were 10:00 am. Retailers must note these times and ensure their websites are prepared for the influx of traffic.

What does this mean for eCommerce store owners?

Make sure your website can handle the increased traffic during peak times. You could lose potential customers if your website crashes or is slow to load.

Quick Wins:

  • Test your website’s speed and performance
  • Ensure your website can handle a high volume of traffic
  • Monitor your website during peak times

Key Takeaway:

If you want to ensure your website can handle the increased traffic during Black Friday and Cyber Monday, test your website’s speed and performance, ensure it can handle a high traffic volume, and monitor it during peak times. You can also consider working with a web hosting company specializing in eCommerce websites.

Sales Increase:

Online traffic in the retail segment saw a 32.32% increase compared to the previous week, which is a significant jump. This indicates that Black Friday is a major shopping event, and retailers should prepare accordingly.  

How can eCommerce store owners prepare for this?

There are a few things you can do to get ready for the influx of traffic and sales:

  • Ensure your website can handle a high volume of traffic
  • Make sure your inventory is well-stocked
  • Monitor your website during peak times

Key Takeaway:

Stock up on inventory and ensure your website can handle a high traffic volume. You should also monitor your website during peak times to ensure everything runs smoothly.

If you need help getting your website ready for the holidays, BlakSheep Creative can help. We offer various services, including website design, development, and hosting.

Sector Differences:

airline traffic was 137 percent greater than hotels black friday 2022
airline traffic was 137 percent greater than hotels black friday 2022

Airline online traffic on Black Friday was over 137% greater than hotel online sessions, indicating that different sectors see different levels of success on Black Friday. Retailers need to analyze their industry and target shoppers accordingly carefully.

What does this mean for eCommerce store owners?

The approach to Black Friday and Cyber Monday is not one-size-fits-all, especially for eCommerce store owners. Depending on the scale and online presence of your business, your strategies should be tailored accordingly.

For Smaller Businesses:

If your eCommerce store is on the smaller side and you’re looking to make a significant impact during the Black Friday and Cyber Monday frenzy, here’s what you can do:

  1. Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising: Consider investing in PPC ads to get your products in front of potential customers. These targeted ads can drive traffic and boost sales during the holiday season.
  2. Leverage Social Media: Social media platforms are powerful tools for drawing attention to your sales. Craft engaging posts, run promotions, and engage with your audience to create buzz around your Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals.

For Larger Businesses:

Larger eCommerce businesses with a substantial online presence have a different set of priorities:

  1. Website Optimization: Focus on optimizing your website for speed and user experience. Faster loading times and a seamless shopping journey can significantly impact conversion rates during high-traffic periods.
  2. Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO): Implement CRO techniques to fine-tune your website’s sales funnel. Analyze user behavior, conduct A/B testing, and make data-driven improvements to maximize conversions.

In conclusion, the strategies for Black Friday and Cyber Monday vary depending on the size of your eCommerce store. Tailoring your approach to your business’s unique circumstances is key to making the most of these lucrative shopping events.

Quick Wins:

  • Analyze your industry and target shoppers accordingly
  • Focus on optimizing your website for speed and conversion

Key Takeaway:

Different verticals see different levels of success on Black Friday. Analyze your industry and target shoppers accordingly.

If you’re a new eCommerce site, you’ll want to increase your visibility by investing in pay-per-click ads and using social media to draw attention to your sales. If you’re an established website, focus on optimizing your website for speed and conversion.

Cyber Monday:

cyber monday sales from mobile devices 2022
cyber monday sales from mobile devices 2022

On Cyber Monday, 21:00 was the lowest cart abandonment rate of the day, with 56.2% of online products being sold via a mobile device. This suggests that Cyber Monday is a more relaxed shopping event than Black Friday, with customers taking their time to make purchases.

What does this mean for eCommerce store owners?

Cyber Monday is a better time to reel in those visitors who may be higher up in the sales funnel –  those who are just browsing and not yet ready to buy. Utilize this time to offer discounts and deals that entice customers to purchase.

Some ideas for how to do this include:

  • Offer free shipping
  • Run a contest or giveaway
  • Send out a Cyber Monday-specific newsletter
  • Avoid cheapening your brand with Black Friday/Cyber Monday sales.

Key Takeaway:

Cyber Monday shoppers are less geared toward purchasing than Black Friday shoppers. Take advantage of this by offering deals and discounts that will entice customers to buy.

Final Thoughts

Black Friday and Cyber Monday are two of the year’s most significant shopping events. To take advantage of these sales days, eCommerce store owners must tailor their strategies carefully. By considering some key factors – such as sector differences, your website’s hosting,  and how to reel in browsers on Cyber Monday – you can set your store up for success this holiday season.

Need help getting your eCommerce store ready for the holidays? BlakSheep Creative can help. We have over 20 years of experience in website design and development. 

Contact us today to learn more, or visit our eCommerce website services page to learn about our services.

Frequently Asked Questions:

If you have any questions we didn’t answer here, please feel free to reach out to us, and we’ll be happy to help. Happy selling!

Picture of Clint Sanchez

Clint Sanchez

Clint Sanchez excels as the Chief of Information and Technology at the Baton Rouge Fire Department and as a digital marketer at BlakSheep Creative. With over two decades in public service, he expertly manages technological infrastructures while also applying his creative skills in web, graphic design, and video at BlakSheep. His dual role demonstrates a unique blend of technical acumen and creative innovation.
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