Three Dollar Cadillac.
One of our new year’s resolutions for 2020 is to feature a client each month. Because it’s kinda our job to help spread the word about our partners and what they have to offer, we figured we would be remiss to not focus them on our blog.
This month (we’re starting a month early because we’re overachievers), we are featuring Three Dollar Cadillac.

Who is Three Dollar Cadillac?
Three Dollar Cadillac is a Denham Springs, Louisiana-based Rock and Roll variety band. TDC plays all of the classic hits from the 50’s up through the ’90s.
To say they are phenomenal musicians would be an understatement. The band members are masters of their instrument and are worth checking out.
Work we’ve done for Three Dollac Cadillac.

Check them out!
We can help you with that!
Are you a band or a singer that needs help with your online presence? Need a musician website, logo, EPK, or anything in our wheelhouse? Hit us up and let’s see how we can help!
Get started today!